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How I Reversed My MS Diagnosis

When I tapped into my body’s natural healing power to reverse my multiple sclerosis, I learned prevention is possible. And I discovered our surroundings play a pivotal role in our health.

Our well-being is intricately linked to our environments. Imagine your body as a house. If the surroundings are polluted, the inside of the house is, too.

Over time, exposure to environmental pollutants can alter immune responses, leading to chronic diseases, allergies, and other health issues. Don’t dismiss the toll of living in an unclean or chaotic environment. Stress, anxiety, and other mental challenges often come from noise pollution, overcrowded spaces, or even not enough greenery around us.

Creating and maintaining healthier environments—around us and inside our bodies helps us thrive. And when we’re sick, changing what’s in our gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) helps us heal. Our modern lifestyles, however, seem to be staging a rebellion against our gut health:

Processed Foods: An increasing consumption of processed foods, rich in sugars and unhealthy fats, disturbs the natural balance of good bacteria in our gut.

Overuse of Antibiotics: Frequent use can kill beneficial gut bacteria, decreasing immunity.

Chronic Stress: Continuous stress can cause an imbalance in our gut flora, affecting immune function.

Lack of Sleep: Irregular sleep patterns can disrupt our gut health, making us more susceptible to illnesses.

Reduced Physical Activity: Sedentary lifestyles can slow our digestive system, leading to gut issues.

In a nutshell, when our lifestyle negatively affects our GI tract, our immunity drops. So, bolstering our defenses requires prioritizing our gut health.

External solutions don't heal; our bodies do. When faced with medication options for my MS, I decided to heal from within. I listened to my body. Sure, modern science has its place, but healing? That's all you, friend.

I'm not against medication. Instead, I enlighten people about the body's awe-inspiring healing potential.

Your body is smart, incredibly so. As a chiropractor, I believe in eliminating obstacles, and the body will repair itself. Daniel David Palmer, the founder of chiropractic, pointed out the importance of thoughts, traumas, and toxins in our healing journey.

I’m always vocal about the body’s structure – chiropractic first! Then nutrition. Trashy food equals a trashy body. I’m meticulous about what I eat, what I apply to my skin, and what surrounds me—purity above all else.

Every day, I talk to people who don’t understand these critical connections between our environment, lifestyle choices, and even our snacks. Here’s the bottom line: what we consume and bring into our bodies matters. I conquered my MS. There's no magical solution, no instant cure. It demanded discipline, perseverance, and time.

There isn’t a quick fix, but there is a solution to feel better and live healthier. To potentially reverse debilitating symptoms or illness.

It's time—enough silent suffering. Get informed and take control of your immune health. Click on Dr. Susan Monias on YouTube or schedule a functional blood chemical analysis. Both are a painless head start to learn what your body’s trying to tell you. Call me at 470-290-8025 or email and request a consult. Just start. Get powerful; get smarter about how your body's functioning. Everything is 100% virtual, so there’s hope wherever you live.

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