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5 Benefits of a 3-Season Diet

The endless commercials for fad diets, overnight weight loss, and promises of getting healthy without changing your lifestyle are overwhelming. And false.


There’s no one-size-fits-all diet because our bodies are unique, which means our nutritional needs are equally specific. The gut microbiome—the trillions of bacteria living in our digestive system—plays a crucial role in digestion (obviously), immunity, and overall health. Diversifying and adapting the gut microbiome can be a game-changer for those struggling with autoimmune conditions or multiple food sensitivities. Here’s one proven approach.



The Seasonal Approach to Diet Variation


Our ancestors didn't have the luxury of year-round access to all kinds of foods, and they certainly didn’t have the convenience of 24/7 grocery stores, on-call deliveries, or fast-food restaurants on every corner.  


Their diets were dictated by what was available. Period. John Douillard's "The 3-Season Diet" describes the wisdom of eating in harmony with nature's seasonal cycles and local options.


When fresh produce was scarce in winter, our ancestors relied on protein and healthy animal fats for nutrition and energy. Conversely, summer months focused on plant-based proteins available where people lived. Our ancestors didn’t import fruits or vegetables from other countries.


So, what does a modern seasonal diet look like?


Eat This, and This, and This and…

A seasonal diet focuses on eating what's available in season and locally. Your body is designed to thrive on the foods that grow naturally in your region throughout the year.


As spring transitions into summer, shift your diet towards more produce, starting with berries and gradually increasing your carbohydrate intake. Summer is the peak time for carbohydrates, so take advantage of the abundant local produce featuring plenty of fresh vegetables, salads, fruits, and melons. These foods give you a rich mix of micronutrients and fiber to support your overall health.


When fall arrives, adapt your diet to include apples, squashes, and hearty soups, which offer a balance of macronutrients and essential vitamins and minerals. As winter sets in, focus on meat and fat, as primitive humans would have relied on these nutrient-dense foods when fresh produce was scarce. Remember that seasonal eating is about consuming what grows locally rather than relying on imports from other countries. So, while you might crave berries or apples during the winter months, they won’t be part of your healthier eating plan if they don't grow in your area at that time.


What a Difference a Month Makes


You could notice significant health benefits in four weeks on the 3-Season Diet. Of course, everyone's body is unique, and while these results are not guaranteed, it’s reasonable to expect:


·       You'll Digest Better: Eating what the season offers means smoother digestion. Seasonal foods come packed with the right mix of nutrients and fiber, making it easier for your body to handle.


·       You'll Feel More Energized: Matching your meals with the season can seriously perk up your energy. These foods are at their nutritional peak, giving you all the good stuff to power through your day.


·       Losing Weight is Easier: If you're looking to shed some pounds, this diet could be a game-changer. It naturally helps you eat less and crave less, making weight loss feel more like a breeze.


·       You'll Be in a Better Mood: You might find yourself smiling more. Good food equals a good mood, and with all the fresh, seasonal picks, you're bound to feel happier.


·       Your Skin Will Thank You: And don't be surprised if your skin starts to glow. Eating fresh, in-season foods means tons of antioxidants and hydration for clearer, brighter skin.



Researching and investigating options to reset your gut microbiome is smart—and good for your health.  Even with verified information, you still need to listen to your body. Work closely with a healthcare professional if you’re significantly changing your diet, particularly if you have pre-existing conditions.


A functional blood chemical analysis or genetic test is a painless way to learn what your body is trying to tell you. Call (470-290-8025) or email to request a consult. Be more thoughtful about and attentive to how your body is functioning.

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